C++ Interface to Tauola
1  subroutine
2  $ flagset(iqedx,iewx,ibornx,gfschemex,ifggx,ncx,fcx,tlmu2x)
3  implicit none!
4 #include "s2n_declare.h"
5  integer iqedx,iewx,ibornx,gfschemex,ifggx
6  real*8 ncx,fcx,tlmu2x
7 *-- Flag settings
8  iqed = iqedx
9  iqcd = 0 ! may be something else possible
10  iew = iewx
11  iborn = ibornx
12  gfscheme = gfschemex
13  ifgg = ifggx
14 * Input constants (masses, couplings)
15 #include "leshw_input.h"
16  call s2n_init()
17  call ffini()
18  nc=ncx
19  fc=fcx
20  tlmu2=tlmu2x
21  end
23  subroutine paraget(mtax,conhcx,pix)
24  implicit none!
25  real*8 mtax,conhcx,pix
26 #include "s2n_declare.h"
27  mtax=mta
28  conhcx=conhc
29  pix= pi
30  end
32  subroutine printconsts (pmg)
33  implicit none!
34  integer pmg,NOUT
35 #include "s2n_declare.h"
37  if ((pmg.eq.0).or.(pmg.eq.1)) then
38  print *
39  print *, "flag iqed = ",iqed
40  print *, "flag iew = ",iew
41  print *, "flag qcd = ",iqcd
42  print *, "flag gfscheme = ",gfscheme
43  print *, "thmu2(GeV^2) = ",thmu2
44  print *, "tlmu2(GeV^2) = ",tlmu2
45  print *, "mup(GeV) = ",mup
46  print *, "mta(GeV) = ",mta
47  endif
48  if ((pmg.eq.0).or.(pmg.eq.2)) then
49  print *
50  print *, "alphai = ",alphai
51  print *, "alpha = ",alpha
52  print *, "GF(GeV-^2)= ",gf
53  print *, "g = ",g
54  print *, "e = ",e
55  print *, "alphas = ",alpha
56  print *, "gs = ",gs
57  print *, "cwm = ",ctw
58  print *, "swm2 = ",stw2
59  print *, "mh(GeV) = ",mh
60  print *, "mw(GeV) = ",mw
61  print *, "mz(GeV) = ",mz
62  print *, "wz(GeV) = ",wz
63  print *, "ww(GeV) = ",ww
64  print *, "wh(GeV) = ",wh
65  print *, "wtp(GeV) = ",wtp
66  endif
68  nout=11
69  OPEN(nout ,file='var.dump')
70  write(nout,*) "TAUOLA interace: SANC input parameters:"
71  if ((pmg.eq.0).or.(pmg.eq.1)) then
72  write(nout,*) " "
73  write(nout,*) "flag iqed = ",iqed
74  write(nout,*) "flag iew = ",iew
75  write(nout,*) "flag qcd = ",iqcd
76  write(nout,*) "flag gfscheme = ",gfscheme
77  write(nout,*) "thmu2(GeV^2) = ",thmu2
78  write(nout,*) "tlmu2(GeV^2) = ",tlmu2
79  write(nout,*) "mup(GeV) = ",mup
80  write(nout,*) "mta(GeV) = ",mta
81  endif
82  if ((pmg.eq.0).or.(pmg.eq.2)) then
83  write(nout,*) " "
84  write(nout,*) "alphai = ",alphai
85  write(nout,*) "alpha = ",alpha
86  write(nout,*) "GF(GeV-^2)= ",gf
87  write(nout,*) "g = ",g
88  write(nout,*) "e = ",e
89  write(nout,*) "alphas = ",alpha
90  write(nout,*) "gs = ",gs
91  write(nout,*) "cwm = ",ctw
92  write(nout,*) "swm2 = ",stw2
93  write(nout,*) "mh(GeV) = ",mh
94  write(nout,*) "mw(GeV) = ",mw
95  write(nout,*) "mz(GeV) = ",mz
96  write(nout,*) "wz(GeV) = ",wz
97  write(nout,*) "ww(GeV) = ",ww
98  write(nout,*) "wh(GeV) = ",wh
99  write(nout,*) "wtp(GeV) = ",wtp
100  endif
102  CLOSE(nout)
104  return
105  end