Changelog for changes with respect to version 1.0 ------------------------------------------------- General note: - For use with Athena (compilation on 64bit platform): once ./configure script is executed add in "-m32" to CFLAGS. The is placed in the main directory. xxxxx 2025.III.23 -- new release tagged TauSpinner v2.1.1 17.Feb.2025, Tauola++ 1.1.9 -- only some test prints removed since 2025.II.17 2025.II.17 -- some tests on gamma gamma performed, but work is still needed. 2025.II.15 -- gamma gamma processes activated 2025.II.14 -- Frezu for the time being set inactive, becaue of option clashes. 2025.II.13 -- Typo in multiplication of GSW with arbitrary factors and forgotten option of -- Frezu for second varianl of alpha_qed (default) added. 2024.XI.24 -- istalation of methods to modify electroweak form factors, -- initialization methods for 'ifkorchin' case active, but only partially tested. Nonetheless encouraging results. 2024.XI.10 -- script updated. -- Installation of electroweak and anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments into improved Born verified -- First confirmations of user level functionality of these new features, but not yet for gama-gamma induced processes. -- documentation and consistency tests still on-going. In particular signs related to: -> change between e+e-(~q q) versus e-e+(q ~q) convetions (it implies angle pi rotation around y axis) -> minus sign of tau+ polarimetric vector. In tauola interface it is absent as it is canceling out another minus sign from the production. -> in tauola interface z axis direction is common for reaction frame and both tau+ and tau- frames. For tauspinner different choice may have been done. -> these frames detailes need to be documented, but this does not need to cripple functionality. -- new initialization methods for 'ifkorchin' case, the case of GSW formfactors and anomalous electric/magnetic dipole moments are added. they are introduced, as commented out lines in TAUOLA/TauSpinner/examples/tau-reweight-test.cxx 2024.VI.14 - New adress of svn server, - Non initialized in TauSpinner HHp[t] HHm[t] now needed for ifkorchin set to 1 in that variant of wt calculation. 2024.I.15 - Code for anomalous dipole moments and gamma-gmma hard processes added, but no tests of installation completed, nor appropraiate use examples provided. Just the routines explained in published version of are installed. Note that in preprint version use of electroweak form factors of Dizet are not explained. - Tests of use options, especially old ones are necessary. That applies both to TauSpinner and Tauola Universal Interface examples. - 2023.II.3 Transverse mixed x-y components of spin correlations (negligible in SM) activated it TauSpinner. 2020.XII.18 Functionality for genuine weak effects added as explained in preprint IFJ-PAN-IV-2020-10, 2020.I.23 - LCG scripts updated and small minor fixes to build setups added. Thanks again Andrii Verbytskyi for his help in fixing these issues and testing 2020.I.15 - Added HepMC3 support. Thanks Andrii Verbytskyi for his help in setting it up - Added HepMC3 standalone example - Configuration now accepts --with-hepmc3=PATH_TO_HEPMC3 - From this version on, HepMC and HEPEVT interfaces are built as separate libraries. This breaks previous user setup but is necessary for HepMC3 support. 2019.XII.10 - consitency test of DIZET/KKMC tables reweighting with subdirectory Dizet-example plotting achieved. EW improved Born installed into tauola demos. 2019.II.20 - version compatible with DIZET/KKMC tables completed, but tests are required. At the moment it remains largely unreliable in respect to DIZET/KKMC electroweak sector. 2018.IV.9 - work on installation of DIZET/KKMC tables with electroweak corrections started. Libraries extended, but so far used only in examles/Dizet-example other applications should remain unaffected during this phase of project development. 2017.VIII.15 - new version prepared. - For TAUOLA it is fix to prevent unwanted reinitialization and explicit initialization, 0, of iqcd for SANC - for TaSpinner it is versionh with work on SPIN2 completed. 2017.VII.11 - tests for SPIN2 example of TauSpinner converged 2016.XII.3 - draft of installation of alternative matrix elements, X2-mediated introduced in a commented out version. Tests and bug-fixing pending. 2016.XI.10 - polarization effects for 3-scalars decay channels with K_0's added for TauSpinner, and tests performed. 2016.V.19 - for VBF calculation order of tau+ tau- was not adjusted for ME calc. It is fixed now. 2016.V.6 - Non-author (that is performed by users) tests of basic functionalities passed - TauSpinner v2.0.1 introduced. 2016.IV.27 - from platform/LCGCONFIG/TauSpinner corrected for the library to work in case of 2 jets final states in LCG library. - Non author tests of 2--> 2 applications reported. 2016.III.30 - Only the case of EWSH=1 was over optimized, affecting alphas. Optimization removed, (re-) and inititialization of alphas fixed. Line has to be replaced (in two) places: - IF(MODE.EQ.0.AND.VARIANT.EQ.0.AND.MODESAVED.NE.1) THEN + IF(MODE.EQ.0.AND.VARIANT.EQ.0) THEN 2016.III.12 - examples converted to use pythia8.2XX examples can no longer be compiled with older pythia versions 2016.III.9 - complete draft for version Tauola++ v1.1.6, TauSpinner v2.0.0 - modification of electroweak scheme or running of alpha_s with user functions, prepared. 2016.I.8 - draft for version change: Tauola++ v1.1.6, TauSpinner v2.0.0 - main upgrade: implementation of matrix element calculation for Tauspinner; case of parton parton --> tau tau jet jet. Tests start to bring consistent results 2014.VI.4 - version change: Tauola++ v1.1.5, TauSpinner v1.4.0 - examples and config scripts adapted to HepMC interface change in Pythia8.180 or later - removed simplifications imposed on events generated with Pythia8 in examples/testing/ directory. Now events are generated with default Pythia8 setup. Keep in mind that all your new results generated for tests will have FSR and ISR effects in produced samples, agreement with the reference results may expose the consequences (which disapear once you switch off FSR and ISR). 2014.VI.3 - Functionality of TauSpinner extended. Transverse spin effects in Higgs-like object decays to pair of tau leptons and in its main background Drell-Yan process installed. This is for Higgs CP parity studies. - for this purpose, added additional directory TauSpinner/examples/CP-tests - documentation for these changes: preprint IFJPAN-IV-2014-9 by T. Przedzinski, E. Richter-Was and Z. Was, ``TauSpinner: a tool for simulating CP effects in ...'' 2014.IV.17 - Fix for cases when TauSpinner is used after Tauola++ generation. The case when this combination is used in KKMC needs testing. 2014.IV.03 - Added Tauola::setSeed( int, int, int ) for setting seed for TAUOLA-FORTRAN random number generator 2013.XII.11 - Consistency of documentation makefile comments README files etc. Exceptional configurations of unusual origins of energy-momentum conservation repeated. We could not explore all options of production file formats. Users feed-back is needed, outcome must wait for the future release. 2013.XII.09 - version change: Tauola++ v1.1.4, TauSpinner v1.3.2 - new validation tests for TauSpinner added. They are available under sub-directory TauSpinner/examples/tauspinner-validation. tauspinner-validation-plots.cxx has been moved to this directory as well - check is now performed whether PDG value provided through function Tauola::setHiggsScalarPseudoscalarPDG points to a particle of charge 0. 2013.XI.29 - option of reweighting CLEO to RChL currents using TauSpinner updated and tested. An example 'tau-reweight-CLEO-to-RChL.cxx' added - unlucky choice of an example value for Tauola::setHiggsScalarPseudoscalarPDG in documentation changed from 24 to 35 2013.XI.18 - fixed initialization for tauola radiation in leptonic decay channels 2013.X.29 - added RChL currents for 3-pi channel and Belle currents for 2-pi channel - new option 'Tauola::setNewCurrents(int mode)' for switching between CLEO (mode=0) and RChL (mode=1) added - TauSpinner version changed to v1.3.1; added option Ipol=3 2013.X.16 - template for TauSpinner validation added - an example (examples/tauspinner-validation-plots.cxx) for generating plots for this paper has been added 2013.VI.12 - include files cleaned up. Now it is required only to include main directory TAUOLA/include - LCG scripts updated; added configuration option --enable-debug 2013.V.28 - Compatible with FORTRAN version, printout of TAUOLA initialization variables, added 2013.IV.20 - Prototype solution for matrix element based reweighting between Higgs and Z/gamma production processes added. Checks are not completed. 2012.XII.12 - features documented in S. Banerjee et al CERN-PH-TH-2012-347 made into example. 2012.XI.20 - Thanks to Swagato Banerjee lack of numerical stability protection was spotted in weight calculation of TauSpinner for leptonic tau decays with bremsstrahlung. - Fix is installed, but code version of SVN revision 707 in LCG is not free of the problem. 2012.XI.19 - New functionality of TauSpinner finished - Still more tests need to be desined and performed - but all basic ones seem to work OK. Physics content of nonSM not tested, work on that is not completed. 2012.XI.15 - New option for TauSpinner completed. Basic tests finished. - Added option TauSpinner::set_nonSM_function(...) to set a user-provided function for user-defined born calculation. - Added 'distr.f' to TauSpinner/examples as an example of use of the above method. - Second new flag 'nonSMN' still must be checked. 2012.XI.06 - New option dtrafted into TauSpinner. It is not checked at all. For the time being controlling parameter 'nonSM2=0' should be used, as in our tar-ball example 'tau-reweight-test.cxx'. Backward comatibility tests were performed. Note that new parameter supplement list of Tauspinner initialization method 'initialize_spinner()' 2012.VII.27 - version 1.1.0 - TauSpinner library merged with Tauola distribution - Installation of RChL currents prepared; (.so or .a) library alone or all FORTRAN directory 2012.IV.30 - Tauolapp namespace introduced - Communicate WARNING changed into WARNING from TAUOLA - checks of forward declarations cleaned - over all test on energy momentum conservation in a whole event added to examples. - checkMomentumConservation corrected to include energy as well - version no moved from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 2011.XI.28 - Added example of using interface without HepMC - Now interface can be compiled without HepMC by using: ./configure --without-hepmc 2011.XI.18 - Fixed bug in scripts located in platform/LCGCONFIG directory. It should have no effect on normal Tauola++ usage. However, when Tauola++ libraries are compiled using LCG scripts, some of the fortran routines used in user program may produce wrong results. 2011.VIII.22 - Several changes to documentation has been introduced, as requested by CPC Editor. - Header files are now under '$prefix/include/Tauola' directory, changing include statements in all programs that use Tauola library. - Fixed names of the '--with' parameters in default configuration files. Now all parameters are lower case. 2011.VII.10 - Bug in 'getZpolarization' where grandmother pdgid could become '-21' fixed. Thanks to Julia Yarba for pointing out this bug and detailed feedback about the cause. 2011.IV.29 - Method printing information on generated tau sample added Tauola::summary() 2011.IV.28: - Fixed important kinematical mismatch in eta, k0 and pi0 decays. 2011.IV.04: - work on release 1.0.4 completed - note that temporarily SVN Revision: 499 from March 21 was marked as release 1.0.4 2011.III.31: - Fixed normalization for Plots for Fig3a and Fig4a - documentation fine tunig completed - Work on release 1.0.4 nearly completed, no changes to the code introduced. 2011.III.16: - Added instalation scripts for LCG. 2011.III.7: - Fixed problem with Tauola::setTaukle(...). Not working correctly. 2011.III.2: - Fixed problem where calculation of mass of neutrino could result in NaN. Thanks to Peter Rosendahl for pointing out this bug. 2011.II.22: - Changed names of three routines: Tauola::initialise -> Tauola::initialize Tauola::setInitialisePhy -> Tauola::setInitializePhy f_interface_tauolaInitialise -> f_interface_tauolaInitialize Wrappers for old names of these routines had been introduced for backward compatibility. 2011.I.30: - updated documentation/readmes and makefiles for examples 2011.I.28: - decayEndgame() is executed now when taus are boosted back to lab frame. Thanks to Sho Iwamoto for pointing out previously present bug resulting in improper decay vertex position. - several modifications to internal part of the interface introduced - unused files from 'examples' directory moved to 'examples/attic' - Separate executable for 'examples/testing' introduced. That is why 'examples/taumain_pythia_example.c' could be simplified. - plot class has been rewritten and it's usage is modified/simplified - added directory 'examples/testing/EW-PLOTS' for plots using/testing tables generated in SANC module -- 2011.I.13: - several small bugs fixed thanks to feedback from Sho Iwamoto. 2010.VI.30: - added routines to redefine tau decay channels on the flight - added 4th example - taummk_pythia_example.c - minor config modification (f77 + gcc34 and gfortran + gcc43 trick) 2010.II.24: - functioning in case of cluster decaying into more than single tau-pair improved, but spin correlations not under contro. Case like q bar q --> tau+ tau- nu_tau bar nu_tau g g gamma should be kept in mind. 2010.II.20: - safety routines removed - bug in algorithm reducing multileg hard processes to Born kinematics hopefully fixed. 2010.II.13: - safety routines added to src/TauolaParticlePair.cxx. Their role is to prevent segmentation fault if offending event content is encountered in execution. Further work is expected. Input from program users is of the great help.