Single particle of HEPEVT event record.
Abstract base class for particle in the event. This class also handles boosting.
vector< TauolaHEPEVTParticle * > cache
TauolaHEPEVTEvent * m_event
void setEvent(TauolaHEPEVTEvent *event)
TauolaHEPEVTParticle(int pdgid, int status, double px, double py, double pz, double e, double m, int ms, int me, int ds, int de)
void setStatus(int statu)
int getDaughterRangeStart()
void setMothers(std::vector< TauolaParticle * > mothers)
int getFirstMotherIndex()
void setDaughters(std::vector< TauolaParticle * > daughters)
std::vector< TauolaParticle * > getMothers()
void checkMomentumConservation()
bool isDaughterOf(TauolaHEPEVTParticle *p)
void setBarcode(int barcode)
int getSecondMotherIndex()
std::vector< TauolaParticle * > getDaughters()
int getDaughterRangeEnd()
bool isMotherOf(TauolaHEPEVTParticle *p)
void setMass(double mass)
TauolaHEPEVTParticle * createNewParticle(int pdg_id, int status, double mass, double px, double py, double pz, double e)
void setPdgID(int pdg_id)