C++ Interface to Tauola
1 #ifndef _TAU_REWEIGHT_LIB_H_
2 #define _TAU_REWEIGHT_LIB_H_
4 // Debug mode
5 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
6 #define DEBUG(arg) arg;
7 #else
8 #define DEBUG(arg)
9 #endif
11 // TAUOLA header
12 #include "Tauola/Tauola.h"
14 #include "TauSpinner/Tauola_wrapper.h"
15 #include "TauSpinner/SimpleParticle.h"
16 #include "TauSpinner/Particle.h"
18 // LHAPDF header
19 #include "LHAPDF/LHAPDF.h"
21 #include <vector>
22 #include <iostream>
23 using std::vector;
24 using std::cout;
25 using std::endl;
27 namespace TauSpinner {
29 /** Definition of REAL*8 FUNCTION DISTH(S,T,H1,H2) from disth.f calculating
30  SM glue glue-->Higgs --> tau tau*/
31 extern "C" double disth_(double *SVAR, double *COSTHE, int *TA, int *TB);
33 /** routine to modifiey electroweak FF */
34  void GSWadapt(int ID,double S, double cost, double GSWr[7],double GSWi[7]);
35 /** Initialize TauSpinner
37  Print info and set global variables */
38 void initialize_spinner(bool _Ipp, int _Ipol, int _nonSM2, int _nonSMN, double _CMSENE);
40  void initialize_GSW( int _ifGSW, int _ifkorch,
41  double _ReAini,
42  double _ImAini,
43  double _ReBini,
44  double _ImBini,
45  double _ReXini,
46  double _ImXini,
47  double _ReYini,
48  double _ImYini);
50  void initialize_gamagama(
51  double _GAMfraci,
52  double _GAMfrac2i,
53  double _A0i,
54  double _B0i,
55  double _Ai,
56  double _Bi);
59 /**
60 User may want to modify form-factors, this routine enables that.
61 */
62  void initialize_GSW_norm(int _keyGSW,
63  double _ReGSW1,
64  double _ImGSW1,
65  double _ReGSW2,
66  double _ImGSW2,
67  double _ReGSW3,
68  double _ImGSW3,
69  double _ReGSW4,
70  double _ImGSW4,
71  double _ReGSW5,
72  double _ImGSW5,
73  double _ReGSW6,
74  double _ImGSW6);
76 /** Set flag for calculating relative (NONSM/SM) or absolute that is matrix element^2 (spin averaged),
77  weight for X-section calculated as by product in longitudinal polarization method. */
78 void setRelWTnonSM(int _relWTnonSM);
80 /** Set flag for type of effective Born kinematic approximation
81  1: Mustraal frame (NLO like) 0: old default, similar to Collins-Soper. */
82 void setFrameType(int _FrameType);
84 /** set flag for simple formula (just Breit Wigner) of Higgs cross section,
85  set its parameters: Higgs mass, width and normalization for Higgs born (BW) function */
86  void setHiggsParameters(int jak, double mass, double width, double normalization);
88 /** Get Higgs mass, width and normalization of Higgs born function */
89 void getHiggsParameters(double *mass, double *width, double *normalization);
91 /** Set flag defining what type of spin treatment was used in analyzed sample */
92 void setSpinOfSample(bool _Ipol);
94 /** Turn non Standard Model calculation on/off */
95 void setNonSMkey(int key);
97 /** set transverse components for Higgs spin density matrix */
98 void setHiggsParametersTR(double Rxx, double Ryy, double Rxy, double Ryx);
100 /** set multipliers for transverse components for Drell-Yan spin density matrix */
101 void setZgamMultipliersTR(double Rxx, double Ryy, double Rxy, double Ryx);
103 /** get transverse components for Drell-Yan spin density matrix */
104 void getZgamParametersTR(double &Rxx, double &Ryy, double &Rxy, double &Ryx);
106 /** get longitudinal components for Drell-Yan spin density matrix */
107 void getZgamParametersL(double &Rzz, double &Rtt, double &Rzt, double &Rtz);
109 /** get transverse components for Drell-Yan spin density matrix multipliers */
110 void getZgamMultipliersTR(double &Rxx, double &Ryy, double &Rxy, double &Ryx);
113 /** Get nonSM weight of production matrix element */
114 double getWtNonSM();
116 /** Get tau+ weight of its decay matrix element */
117 double getWtamplitP();
119 /** Get tau- weight of its decay matrix element */
120 double getWtamplitM();
122 /** Get tau Helicity
123  Used after event is analyzed to obtain attributed tau helicity.
124  Returns -1 or 1. Note that 0 is returned if attribution fails. Method
125  assumes that sample has spin effects taken into account. Effects can
126  be taken into account with the help of spin weights. */
127 double getTauSpin();
129 /** Calculate weights.
131  Determines decay channel, calculates all necessary components for
132  calculation of all weights, calculates weights.
133  Function for W+/- and H+/- */
134 double calculateWeightFromParticlesWorHpn(SimpleParticle &W, SimpleParticle &tau, SimpleParticle &nu_tau, vector<SimpleParticle> &tau_daughters);
136 /** Calculate weights.
138  Determines decay channel, calculates all necessary components for
139  calculation of all weights, calculates weights.
140  Function for H/Z */
141 double calculateWeightFromParticlesH(SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &sp_tau1, SimpleParticle &sp_tau2, vector<SimpleParticle> &sp_tau1_daughters, vector<SimpleParticle> &sp_tau2_daughters);
143 /** Prepare kinematics for HH calculation
145  Boost particles to effective pair rest frame, and rotate them so that tau is on Z axis.
146  Then rotate again with theta2 phi2 so neutrino (first tau decay product) from tau decay is along Z. */
147 void prepareKinematicForHH(Particle &tau, Particle &nu_tau, vector<Particle> &tau_daughters, double *phi2, double *theta2);
149 /** Calculate polarization vector.
151  We use FORTRAN metdods to calculate HH.
152  First decide what is the channel. After that, 4-vectors
153  are moved to tau rest frame of tau.
154  Polarimetric vector HH is then rotated using angles phi and theta.
156  Order of the particles does not matter. */
157 double* calculateHH(int tau_pdgid, vector<Particle> &tau_daughters, double phi, double theta);
159 /**
160  Get Longitudinal polarization
162  Returns longitudinal polarization in Z/gamma* -> tau+ tau-
163  S: invariant mass^2 of the bozon */
164 double getLongitudinalPolarization(double S, SimpleParticle &sp_tau, SimpleParticle &sp_nu_tau);
166 /** Check if the vector of particles match the listed order of pdgid's:
168  1) Returns true if 'particles' contain all of the listed pdgid-s.
169  2) If it does - 'particles' will be reordered so that they have
170  the same order as listed pdgid-s.
172  It is done so the order of particles is the same as the order mandatory
173  for TAUOLA Fortran routines. */
174 bool channelMatch(vector<Particle> &particles, int p1, int p2=0, int p3=0, int p4=0, int p5=0, int p6=0);
176 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 //-- Useful debug methods ------------------------------------------------------
178 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 /** Prints out two vertices:
181  W -> tau, nu_tau
182  tau -> tau_daughters */
183 void print(Particle &W, Particle &nu_tau, Particle &tau, vector<Particle> &tau_daughters);
185 /** Sums all 4-vectors of the particles on the list */
186 Particle *vector_sum(vector<Particle> &x);
188 } // namespace TauSpinner
189 #endif
void initialize_GSW_norm(int _keyGSW, double _ReGSW1, double _ImGSW1, double _ReGSW2, double _ImGSW2, double _ReGSW3, double _ImGSW3, double _ReGSW4, double _ImGSW4, double _ReGSW5, double _ImGSW5, double _ReGSW6, double _ImGSW6)
double calculateWeightFromParticlesH(SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &sp_tau1, SimpleParticle &sp_tau2, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau1_daughters, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau2_daughters)
bool channelMatch(vector< Particle > &particles, int p1, int p2=0, int p3=0, int p4=0, int p5=0, int p6=0)
void getZgamParametersL(double &Rzz, double &Rtt, double &Rzt, double &Rtz)
double disth_(double *SVAR, double *COSTHE, int *TA, int *TB)
double calculateWeightFromParticlesWorHpn(SimpleParticle &W, SimpleParticle &tau, SimpleParticle &nu_tau, vector< SimpleParticle > &tau_daughters)
void getZgamMultipliersTR(double &Rxx, double &Ryy, double &Rxy, double &Ryx)
void setSpinOfSample(bool _Ipol)
double getWtamplitP()
void getZgamParametersTR(double &Rxx, double &Ryy, double &Rxy, double &Ryx)
double getLongitudinalPolarization(double, SimpleParticle &, SimpleParticle &)
void getHiggsParameters(double *mass, double *width, double *normalization)
void setZgamMultipliersTR(double Rxx, double Ryy, double Rxy, double Ryx)
void setFrameType(int _FrameType)
Particle * vector_sum(vector< Particle > &x)
void setNonSMkey(int key)
double getWtNonSM()
double * calculateHH(int tau_pdgid, vector< Particle > &tau_daughters, double phi, double theta)
void setHiggsParametersTR(double Rxx, double Ryy, double Rxy, double Ryx)
void GSWadapt(int ID, double S, double cost, double GSWr[7], double GSWi[7])
void setRelWTnonSM(int _relWTnonSM)
void print(Particle &W, Particle &nu_tau, Particle &tau, vector< Particle > &tau_daughters)
void initialize_spinner(bool _Ipp, int _Ipol, int _nonSM2, int _nonSMN, double _CMSENE)
void prepareKinematicForHH(Particle &tau, Particle &nu_tau, vector< Particle > &tau_daughters, double *phi2, double *theta2)
void setHiggsParameters(int jak, double mass, double width, double normalization)
double getTauSpin()
double getWtamplitM()