C++ Interface to Tauola
Data Structures | Functions | Variables
TauSpinner Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  EWborn
class  Particle
class  SimpleParticle
struct  CHANOPT


double getLongitudinalPolarization (double, SimpleParticle &, SimpleParticle &)
int initEWff (int ID, double S, double cost, int key)
int initTables (char *mumu, char *downdown, char *upup)
complex< double > EWFACT (int FLAV, int NO, double s, double costhe)
complex< double > Frezu (int NO)
int CheckinitTables ()
double QCDFACT (int FLAV, int NO, double s)
double Amz (int FLAV)
double Gamz (int FLAV)
double sin2W (int FLAV)
double sigbornswdelt (int mode, int ID, double SS, double costhe, double SWeff, double DeltSQ, double DeltV, double Gmu, double alfinv, double AMZ0, double GAM0, int keyGSW)
double AsNbornswdelt (int mode, int ID, double SS, double costhe, double SWeff, double DeltSQ, double DeltV, double Gmu, double alfinv, double AMZ0, double GAM0, int keyGSW)
void ExtraEWparamsGet (double *AMZi, double *GAM, double *SWeff, double *alfinv, double *DeltSQ, double *DeltV, double *Gmu, int *keyGSW)
void keyGSWGet (int *keyGSW)
void ExtraEWparamsSet (double AMZi, double GAM, double SWeff, double alfinv, double DeltSQ, double DeltV, double Gmu, int keyGSW)
int ExtraEWparams ()
double default_nonSM_bornZ (int ID, double S, double cost, int H1, int H2, int key)
double default_nonSM_bornH (int ID, double S, double cost, int H1, int H2, int key)
double nonSM_born (int ID, double S, double cost, int H1, int H2, int key)
int set_nonSM_born (double(*fun)(int, double, double, int, int, int))
int set_nonSM_bornH (double(*fun)(int, double, double, int, int, int))
double plzap2 (int ide, int idf, double svar, double costhe)
double plweight (int ide, double svar, double costhe)
double plnorm (int ide, double svar)
void nonSMHcorrPol (double S, SimpleParticle &tau1, SimpleParticle &tau2, double *corrX2, double *polX2)
double disth_ (double *SVAR, double *COSTHE, int *TA, int *TB)
void GSWadapt (int ID, double S, double cost, double GSWr[7], double GSWi[7])
void initialize_spinner (bool _Ipp, int _Ipol, int _nonSM2, int _nonSMN, double _CMSENE)
void initialize_GSW (int _ifGSW, int _ifkorch, double _ReAini, double _ImAini, double _ReBini, double _ImBini, double _ReXini, double _ImXini, double _ReYini, double _ImYini)
void initialize_gamagama (double _GAMfraci, double _GAMfrac2i, double _A0i, double _B0i, double _Ai, double _Bi)
void initialize_GSW_norm (int _keyGSW, double _ReGSW1, double _ImGSW1, double _ReGSW2, double _ImGSW2, double _ReGSW3, double _ImGSW3, double _ReGSW4, double _ImGSW4, double _ReGSW5, double _ImGSW5, double _ReGSW6, double _ImGSW6)
void setRelWTnonSM (int _relWTnonSM)
void setFrameType (int _FrameType)
void setHiggsParameters (int jak, double mass, double width, double normalization)
void getHiggsParameters (double *mass, double *width, double *normalization)
void setSpinOfSample (bool _Ipol)
void setNonSMkey (int key)
void setHiggsParametersTR (double Rxx, double Ryy, double Rxy, double Ryx)
void setZgamMultipliersTR (double Rxx, double Ryy, double Rxy, double Ryx)
void getZgamParametersTR (double &Rxx, double &Ryy, double &Rxy, double &Ryx)
void getZgamParametersL (double &Rzz, double &Rtt, double &Rzt, double &Rtz)
void getZgamMultipliersTR (double &Rxx, double &Ryy, double &Rxy, double &Ryx)
double getWtNonSM ()
double getWtamplitP ()
double getWtamplitM ()
double getTauSpin ()
double calculateWeightFromParticlesWorHpn (SimpleParticle &W, SimpleParticle &tau, SimpleParticle &nu_tau, vector< SimpleParticle > &tau_daughters)
double calculateWeightFromParticlesH (SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &sp_tau1, SimpleParticle &sp_tau2, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau1_daughters, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau2_daughters)
void prepareKinematicForHH (Particle &tau, Particle &nu_tau, vector< Particle > &tau_daughters, double *phi2, double *theta2)
double * calculateHH (int tau_pdgid, vector< Particle > &tau_daughters, double phi, double theta)
bool channelMatch (vector< Particle > &particles, int p1, int p2=0, int p3=0, int p4=0, int p5=0, int p6=0)
void print (Particle &W, Particle &nu_tau, Particle &tau, vector< Particle > &tau_daughters)
Particlevector_sum (vector< Particle > &x)
void dam2pi_ (int *MNUM, float *PT, float *PN, float *PIM1, float *PIM2, float *AMPLIT, float *HH)
void dam4pi_ (int *MNUM, float *PT, float *PN, float *PIM1, float *PIM2, float *PIZ, float *PIPL, float *AMPLIT, float *HH)
void damppk_ (int *MNUM, float *PT, float *PN, float *PIM1, float *PIM2, float *PIPL, float *AMPLIT, float *HH)
void dampry_ (int *ITDKRC, double *XK0DEC, double *XK, double *XA, double *QP, double *XN, double *AMPLIT, double *HV)
void initwk_ (int *IDE, int *IDF, double *SVAR)
void initwksw_ (int *IDE, int *IDF, double *SVAR, double *SWSQ, double *ALFINV, int *KEYGSW, double *ReGSW1, double *ImGSW1, double *ReGSW2, double *ImGSW2, double *ReGSW3, double *ImGSW3, double *ReGSW4, double *ImGSW4, double *ReGSW6, double *ImGSW6)
double t_born_ (int *MODE, double *SVAR, double *COSTHE, double *TA, double *TB)
double t_bornz_ (int *MODE, double *SVAR, double *COSTHE, double *TA, double *TB)
double t_bornpho_ (int *MODE, double *SVAR, double *COSTHE, double *TA, double *TB)
void dipolgammarij_ (int *iqed, double *E, double *theta, double *A, double *B, double R[4][4])
void dipolgamma_ (int *iqed, double *E, double *theta, double *A, double *B, double R[4][4])
void dipolqq_ (int *iqed, double *E, double *theta, int *channel, double *Amz0, double *Gamz0, double *sin2W0, double *alphaQED, double *ReA0, double *ImA0, double *ReB, double *ImB, double *ReX, double *ImX, double *ReY, double *ImY, double GSWr[7], double GSWi[7], double R[4][4])
void vbf_reinit_ (int *key)
void vbfinit_ (int *ref, int *variant)
double vbfdistr_ (int *I1, int *I2, int *I3, int *I4, int *H1, int *H2, double P[6][4], int *KEY)
double vbfdistr (int I1, int I2, int I3, int I4, int H1, int H2, SimpleParticle &p1, SimpleParticle &p2, SimpleParticle &tau1, SimpleParticle &tau2, int KEY)
void setPDFOpt (int QCDdefault, int QCDvariant)
void set_vbfdistrModif (double(*function)(int, int, int, int, int, int, double[6][4], int, double))
 Set vbfdistrModif function. More...
void set_alphasModif (void(*function)(double, int, int))
 Set vbfdistrModif function. More...
void getME2VBF (SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &tau1, SimpleParticle &tau2, double(&W)[2][2], int KEY)
double calculateWeightFromParticlesVBF (SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &sp_tau1, SimpleParticle &sp_tau2, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau1_daughters, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau2_daughters)
void makeSimpleTestME2 ()
void calcTestME2 (int iter, double P[6][4])
void makeSimpleTestPDF ()
void calcXsect (int IDPROD, SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &tau1, SimpleParticle &tau2, double(&W)[2][2], int KEY)
void calcProdMatrix (SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &tau1, SimpleParticle &tau2, double(&W)[2][2], int KEY, int ID1, int ID2, int ID3, int ID4, int pdfOpt)
void calcSumME2 (SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &tau1, SimpleParticle &tau2, double(&W)[2][2], int KEY, int ID1, int ID2, int ID3, int ID4)
void calcPDFs (SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &tau1, SimpleParticle &tau2, double(&W)[2][2], int KEY, int ID1, int ID2, int ID3, int ID4, int pdfOpt)
double calculateWeightFromParticlesVBFPROD (int IDPROD, SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &sp_tau1, SimpleParticle &sp_tau2, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau1_daughters, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau2_daughters, int KEY)
static EWborn::complex ParseComplex (std::ifstream &in)
double f (double x, int ID, double SS, double cmsene)
double sigborn (int ID, double SS, double costhe)
void setSpinOfSample (int _Ipol)
int getPDFOpt (int KEY)
void alphas (double Q2, int scalePDFOpt, int KEY)
double vbfdistr (int I1, int I2, int I3, int I4, int H1, int H2, double P[6][4], int KEY)
double calculateWeightFromParticlesVBF (SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &sp_tau1, SimpleParticle &sp_tau2, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau1_daughters, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau2_daughters)
double vbfdistrWRAP (int I1, int I2, int I3, int I4, int H1, int H2, double P[6][4], int KEY)
double calculateWeightFromParticlesVBFPROD (int IDPROD, SimpleParticle &p3, SimpleParticle &p4, SimpleParticle &sp_X, SimpleParticle &sp_tau1, SimpleParticle &sp_tau2, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau1_daughters, vector< SimpleParticle > &sp_tau2_daughters, int KEY)


const double ELECTRON_MASS = 0.0005111
const double MUON_MASS = 0.105659
const double TAU_MASS = 1.777
struct TauSpinner::CHANOPT chanopt_
struct {
   double   sqrt__as
   double   g__exp__2
   double   conjg__ckm3x3
   double   ckm3x3
   double   lamws__exp__2
   double   lamws__exp__3
   double   mz__exp__2
   double   mz__exp__4
   double   sqrt__2
   double   mh__exp__2
   double   aew
   double   sqrt__aew
   double   ee
   double   mw__exp__2
   double   sw2
   double   cw
   double   sqrt__sw2
   double   sw
   double   g1
   double   gw
   double   vev
   double   vev__exp__2
   double   lam
   double   yb
   double   yt
   double   ytau
   double   muh
   double   ee__exp__2
   double   sw__exp__2
   double   cw__exp__2
   double   aewm1
   double   gf
   double   as
   double   lamws
   double   aws
   double   rhows
   double   etaws
   double   ymb
   double   ymt
   double   ymtau
struct {
   int   icp
TauSpinner::EWborn ewbornMu
TauSpinner::EWborn ewbornDown
TauSpinner::EWborn ewbornUp
int m_initTables =0
int m_status =-1
double m_AMZi
double m_GAM
double m_SWeff
double m_alfinv
double m_DeltSQ
double m_DeltV
double m_Gmu
int m_keyGSW
int ID0 =-1
double S0 =-5
double cost0 =-2
int key0 =-5
double AMZi = 91.18870000
double GAM =2.49520000
double SWeff = 0.2235200000
double DeltSQ =0
double DeltV =0
double Gmu =0.00001166389
double alfinv =137.0359895
double(* nonSM_bornZ )(int, double, double, int, int, int)=default_nonSM_bornZ
double(* nonSM_bornH )(int, double, double, int, int, int)=default_nonSM_bornH
int nonSM2 = 1
int nonSMN = 0
double WTnonSM =1.0
bool IfHiggs =false
double CMSENE = 7000.0
bool Ipp = true
int Ipol = 0
int relWTnonSM = 1
int keyGSW = 1
int ifkorch =1
int ifGSW =1
int FrameType =0
double ReAini =0.0
double ImAini =0.0
double ReBini =0.0
double ImBini =0.0
double ReXini =0.0
double ImXini =0.0
double ReYini =0.0
double ImYini =0.
double GSWN1r = 1.0
double GSWN1i = 0.0
double GSWN2r = 1.0
double GSWN2i = 0.0
double GSWN3r = 1.0
double GSWN3i = 0.0
double GSWN4r = 1.0
double GSWN4i = 0.0
double GSWN5r = 1.0
double GSWN5i = 0.0
double GSWN6r = 1.0
double GSWN6i = 0.0
double GAMfraci =0.0
double GAMfrac2i =0.0
double A0i =0.0
double B0i =0.0
double Ai =0.0
double Bi =0.0
double Polari =0.0
double WTamplit =1
double WTamplitP =1
double WTamplitM =1
int IfHsimple =0
double XMH = 125.0
double XGH = 1.0
double Xnorm = 0.15
double RXX = 0.0
double RYY = 0.0
double RXY = 0.0
double RYX = 0.0
double RzXX = 0.0
double RzYY = 0.0
double RzXY = 0.0
double RzYX = 0.0
double R11 = 0.0
double R22 = 0.0
double R12 = 0.0
double R21 = 0.0
double R33 = 0.0
double R44 = 0.0
double R34 = 0.0
double R43 = 0.0
double RcorExt [4][4]
const bool DEBUG = 0
int _QCDdefault =1
int _QCDvariant =1
void(* alphasModif )(double, int, int) = NULL
 Pointer to a function that modify rezult of alpha_ calc. in vbfdist. More...
double(* vbfdistrModif )(int, int, int, int, int, int, double[6][4], int, double) = NULL
 Pointer to a function that modify rezult of Matrix Element calc. in vbfdist. More...

Detailed Description

Single particle class with basic methods such as boost, rotation, and angle calculation.

Single particle for user convenience. Just 4-momentum and pdgid.

Wrapper for tauola routines calculating tau polarimetric vector HH. Note that order of input 4-vectors matters and must be prepared accordingly to choice in FORTRAN version of TAUOLA. For details see documentation of old TAUOLA fortran.

Methods available for some decay modes only.

Function Documentation

◆ Amz()

double Amz ( int  FLAV)

returns Z mass as stored in header of electroweak table for FLAV may be called from user main program

Definition at line 425 of file EWtables.cxx.

References Amz().

◆ AsNbornswdelt()

double AsNbornswdelt ( int  mode,
int  ID,
double  SS,
double  costhe,
double  SWeff,
double  DeltSQ,
double  DeltV,
double  Gmu,
double  alfinv,
double  AMZ0,
double  GAM0,
int  keyGSW 

As sigbornswdelt, but subtracts negative spin contrib (for A_pol) calculation

Definition at line 800 of file EWtables.cxx.

References Amz(), AsNbornswdelt(), ExtraEWparamsSet(), Gamz(), initEWff(), and sin2W().

◆ calcPDFs()

void calcPDFs ( SimpleParticle p3,
SimpleParticle p4,
SimpleParticle sp_X,
SimpleParticle tau1,
SimpleParticle tau2,
double(&)  W[2][2],
int  KEY,
int  ID1,
int  ID2,
int  ID3,
int  ID4,
int  pdfOpt 

calcPDFs Returns array W[2][2]

Definition at line 710 of file vbftests.cxx.

References calcPDFs().

◆ calcProdMatrix()

void calcProdMatrix ( SimpleParticle p3,
SimpleParticle p4,
SimpleParticle sp_X,
SimpleParticle tau1,
SimpleParticle tau2,
double(&)  W[2][2],
int  KEY,
int  ID1,
int  ID2,
int  ID3,
int  ID4,
int  pdfOpt 

calcProdMatrix Returns array W[2][2]

Definition at line 795 of file vbftests.cxx.

References calcProdMatrix(), and vbfdistrWRAP().

◆ calcSumME2()

void calcSumME2 ( SimpleParticle p3,
SimpleParticle p4,
SimpleParticle sp_X,
SimpleParticle tau1,
SimpleParticle tau2,
double(&)  W[2][2],
int  KEY,
int  ID1,
int  ID2,
int  ID3,
int  ID4 

calcSumME2 Returns array W[2][2]

Definition at line 644 of file vbftests.cxx.

References calcSumME2(), and vbfdistrWRAP().

◆ calculateHH()

double * calculateHH ( int  tau_pdgid,
vector< Particle > &  tau_daughters,
double  phi,
double  theta 

Calculate polarization vector.

We use FORTRAN metdods to calculate HH. First decide what is the channel. After that, 4-vectors are moved to tau rest frame of tau. Polarimetric vector HH is then rotated using angles phi and theta.

Order of the particles does not matter.

Definition at line 1130 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References calculateHH(), and channelMatch().

◆ calculateWeightFromParticlesH()

double calculateWeightFromParticlesH ( SimpleParticle sp_X,
SimpleParticle sp_tau1,
SimpleParticle sp_tau2,
vector< SimpleParticle > &  sp_tau1_daughters,
vector< SimpleParticle > &  sp_tau2_daughters 

Calculate weights.

Determines decay channel, calculates all necessary components for calculation of all weights, calculates weights. Function for H/Z

Definition at line 720 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References calculateHH(), calculateWeightFromParticlesH(), getLongitudinalPolarization(), plzap2(), and prepareKinematicForHH().

◆ calculateWeightFromParticlesWorHpn()

double calculateWeightFromParticlesWorHpn ( SimpleParticle W,
SimpleParticle tau,
SimpleParticle nu_tau,
vector< SimpleParticle > &  tau_daughters 

Calculate weights.

Determines decay channel, calculates all necessary components for calculation of all weights, calculates weights. Function for W+/- and H+/-

Definition at line 626 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References calculateHH(), calculateWeightFromParticlesWorHpn(), and prepareKinematicForHH().

◆ calcXsect()

void calcXsect ( int  IDPROD,
SimpleParticle p3,
SimpleParticle p4,
SimpleParticle sp_X,
SimpleParticle tau1,
SimpleParticle tau2,
double(&)  W[2][2],
int  KEY 

calcXsect Returns array W[2][2]

Definition at line 41 of file vbftests.cxx.

References calcXsect(), and vbfdistrWRAP().

◆ channelMatch()

bool channelMatch ( vector< Particle > &  particles,
int  p1,
int  p2 = 0,
int  p3 = 0,
int  p4 = 0,
int  p5 = 0,
int  p6 = 0 

Check if the vector of particles match the listed order of pdgid's:

1) Returns true if 'particles' contain all of the listed pdgid-s. 2) If it does - 'particles' will be reordered so that they have the same order as listed pdgid-s.

It is done so the order of particles is the same as the order mandatory for TAUOLA Fortran routines.

Definition at line 2378 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References channelMatch().

◆ CheckinitTables()

int CheckinitTables ( )

provides info flag if tables were initialized

Definition at line 46 of file EWtables.cxx.

References CheckinitTables().

◆ default_nonSM_bornH()

double default_nonSM_bornH ( int  ID,
double  S,
double  cost,
int  H1,
int  H2,
int  key 

Default nonSMH function

Always returns 1.0. Prints warnings if used with key!=0

Definition at line 95 of file nonSM.cxx.

◆ default_nonSM_bornZ()

double default_nonSM_bornZ ( int  ID,
double  S,
double  cost,
int  H1,
int  H2,
int  key 

Default nonSM function

Always returns 1.0. Prints warnings if used with key!=0

Definition at line 33 of file nonSM.cxx.

References initEWff(), and keyGSWGet().

◆ disth_()

double disth_ ( double *  SVAR,
double *  COSTHE,
int *  TA,
int *  TB 

Definition of REAL*8 FUNCTION DISTH(S,T,H1,H2) from disth.f calculating SM glue glue-->Higgs --> tau tau


complex< double > EWFACT ( int  FLAV,
int  NO,
double  s,
double  costhe 

provides electroweak form-factor for input of (int FLAV, int NO, double s, double costhe)

Definition at line 356 of file EWtables.cxx.

References EWFACT().

◆ ExtraEWparams()

int ExtraEWparams ( )

returns m_status of user initialization of electroweak Born. may be safely used by main program

Definition at line 569 of file EWtables.cxx.

References ExtraEWparams().

◆ ExtraEWparamsGet()

void ExtraEWparamsGet ( double *  AMZi,
double *  GAM,
double *  SWeff,
double *  alfinv,
double *  DeltSQ,
double *  DeltV,
double *  Gmu,
int *  keyGSW 

Routine to pass user initialized parameters to be used by electroweak Born. Internally called, but may be available for user tests as well (this may be not the best thing to do) takes parameters from the local storage, change m_status to 1 (which means that parameters were taken for internal use)

Definition at line 527 of file EWtables.cxx.

References ExtraEWparamsGet().

◆ ExtraEWparamsSet()

void ExtraEWparamsSet ( double  AMZi,
double  GAM,
double  SWeff,
double  alfinv,
double  DeltSQ,
double  DeltV,
double  Gmu,
int  keyGSW 

Routine for user initialization of electroweak Born. Reads inparameters to the local storage change m_status to 0 (that means parameters, need to be passed to internal storage)

Definition at line 556 of file EWtables.cxx.

References ExtraEWparamsSet().

◆ Gamz()

double Gamz ( int  FLAV)

returns Z widtd as stored in header of electroweak table for FLAV may be called from user main program

Definition at line 439 of file EWtables.cxx.

References Gamz().

◆ getHiggsParameters()

void getHiggsParameters ( double *  mass,
double *  width,
double *  normalization 

Get Higgs mass, width and normalization of Higgs born function

Definition at line 560 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References getHiggsParameters().

◆ getLongitudinalPolarization()

double getLongitudinalPolarization ( double  S,
SimpleParticle sp_tau,
SimpleParticle sp_nu_tau 

Get Longitudinal polarization

Returns longitudinal polarization in Z/gamma* -> tau+ tau- S: invariant mass^2 of the bozon

Definition at line 1880 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References Amz(), EWFACT(), Gamz(), getLongitudinalPolarization(), GSWadapt(), TauolaParticlePair::m_R, plweight(), plzap2(), TauolaParticlePair::recalculateRij(), and sin2W().

◆ getME2VBF()

void getME2VBF ( SimpleParticle p3i,
SimpleParticle p4i,
SimpleParticle sp_X,
SimpleParticle tau1i,
SimpleParticle tau2i,
double(&)  W[2][2],
int  KEY 

Get VBF ME2 Returns array W[2][2]

THIS IS BLOCKED NOW #####################################################

THIS IS BLOCKED NOW #####################################################

Definition at line 118 of file vbfdistr.cxx.

References getME2VBF(), and vbfdistr().

◆ getTauSpin()

double getTauSpin ( )

Get tau Helicity Used after event is analyzed to obtain attributed tau helicity. Returns -1 or 1. Note that 0 is returned if attribution fails. Method assumes that sample has spin effects taken into account. Effects can be taken into account with the help of spin weights.

Definition at line 607 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References getTauSpin().

◆ getWtamplitM()

double getWtamplitM ( )

Get tau- weight of its decay matrix element

Definition at line 600 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References getWtamplitM().

◆ getWtamplitP()

double getWtamplitP ( )

Get tau+ weight of its decay matrix element

Definition at line 599 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References getWtamplitP().

◆ getWtNonSM()

double getWtNonSM ( )

Get nonSM weight of production matrix element

Definition at line 592 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References getWtNonSM().

◆ getZgamMultipliersTR()

void getZgamMultipliersTR ( double &  Rxx,
double &  Ryy,
double &  Rxy,
double &  Ryx 

get transverse components for Drell-Yan spin density matrix multipliers

Definition at line 547 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References getZgamMultipliersTR().

◆ getZgamParametersL()

void getZgamParametersL ( double &  Rzz,
double &  Rtt,
double &  Rzt,
double &  Rtz 

get longitudinal components for Drell-Yan spin density matrix

Definition at line 515 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References getZgamParametersL().

◆ getZgamParametersTR()

void getZgamParametersTR ( double &  Rxx,
double &  Ryy,
double &  Rxy,
double &  Ryx 

get transverse components for Drell-Yan spin density matrix

Definition at line 537 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References getZgamParametersTR().

◆ GSWadapt()

void GSWadapt ( int  ID,
double  S,
double  cost,
double  GSWr[7],
double  GSWi[7] 

routine to modifiey electroweak FF

Definition at line 273 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References Amz(), EWFACT(), and GSWadapt().

◆ initEWff()

int initEWff ( int  ID,
double  S,
double  cost,
int  key 

routine initializes parameters and form-factors for t_bornnew_ checking first it is necessary

Definition at line 575 of file EWtables.cxx.

References Amz(), CheckinitTables(), EWFACT(), ExtraEWparams(), ExtraEWparamsGet(), Gamz(), initEWff(), and sin2W().

◆ initialize_GSW_norm()

void initialize_GSW_norm ( int  _keyGSW,
double  _ReGSW1,
double  _ImGSW1,
double  _ReGSW2,
double  _ImGSW2,
double  _ReGSW3,
double  _ImGSW3,
double  _ReGSW4,
double  _ImGSW4,
double  _ReGSW5,
double  _ImGSW5,
double  _ReGSW6,
double  _ImGSW6 

User may want to modify form-factors, this routine enables that.

Definition at line 240 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References initialize_GSW_norm().

◆ initialize_spinner()

void initialize_spinner ( bool  _Ipp,
int  _Ipol,
int  _nonSM2,
int  _nonSMN,
double  _CMSENE 

Initialize TauSpinner

Print info and set global variables

Definition at line 425 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References initialize_spinner().

◆ initTables()

int initTables ( char *  mumu,
char *  downdown,
char *  upup 

reads in tables with electroweak formfactors to be executed from main program of the user

Definition at line 51 of file EWtables.cxx.

References initTables().

◆ keyGSWGet()

void keyGSWGet ( int *  keyGSW)

Routine to pass user initialized keyGSW to be used by electroweak Born. Internally called, but may be available for user tests as well (this may be not the best thing to do) takes parameter from the local storage.

Definition at line 543 of file EWtables.cxx.

References keyGSWGet().

◆ makeSimpleTestME2()

void makeSimpleTestME2 ( )

Simple test only pritnout

Definition at line 356 of file vbftests.cxx.

References makeSimpleTestME2().

◆ makeSimpleTestPDF()

void makeSimpleTestPDF ( )

Simple test for PDFs only printout

Definition at line 541 of file vbftests.cxx.

References makeSimpleTestPDF().

◆ nonSM_born()

double nonSM_born ( int  ID,
double  S,
double  cost,
int  H1,
int  H2,
int  key 

nonSM born

Switches between nonSM born for Z and H depending on 'IfHiggs' flag (global variable of TauSpinner namespace)

Definition at line 20 of file nonSM.cxx.

◆ nonSMHcorrPol()

void nonSMHcorrPol ( double  S,
SimpleParticle tau1,
SimpleParticle tau2,
double *  corrX2,
double *  polX2 

Calculate nonSM sig and polarization for Higgs

Used only if nonSM2=1

Input: S - virtuality of H (note that S may not be ivariant of tau pair only, extra photons could contribute) tau1,tau2 - tau pair Returns: corrX2, polX2 TauSpinner::WTnonSM

Definition at line 226 of file nonSM.cxx.

◆ plnorm()

double plnorm ( int  ide,
double  svar 


This function calculates ratio of integrated cross section if nonSMN is turned on. We integrate distr over cos-theta, assuming that distr is polynomial of the 4-th order in cos-theta (at most)

Definition at line 199 of file nonSM.cxx.

References nonSM_born().

◆ plweight()

double plweight ( int  ide,
double  svar,
double  costhe 


This function calculates ratio of cross section if switch nonSM2 contribution is turned on. There are two options possible. One which change costhe distribution only and the one changing x-section as well

Definition at line 185 of file nonSM.cxx.

References nonSM_born(), and plnorm().

◆ plzap2()

double plzap2 ( int  ide,
int  idf,
double  svar,
double  costhe 


This function calculates probability for the helicity +1 +1 configuration of taus for given Z/gamma transfer and COSTH0 cosine of scattering angle.

This is the copy of plzap0 using 'nonSM_born' instead of 't_born' when switch for nonSM is turned on.

Definition at line 125 of file nonSM.cxx.

References nonSM_born().

◆ prepareKinematicForHH()

void prepareKinematicForHH ( Particle tau,
Particle nu_tau,
vector< Particle > &  tau_daughters,
double *  phi2,
double *  theta2 

Prepare kinematics for HH calculation

Boost particles to effective pair rest frame, and rotate them so that tau is on Z axis. Then rotate again with theta2 phi2 so neutrino (first tau decay product) from tau decay is along Z.

Definition at line 1033 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References prepareKinematicForHH().

◆ print()

void print ( Particle W,
Particle nu_tau,
Particle tau,
vector< Particle > &  tau_daughters 

Prints out two vertices: W -> tau, nu_tau tau -> tau_daughters

Definition at line 2446 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References print(), and vector_sum().


double QCDFACT ( int  FLAV,
int  NO,
double  s 

returns QCD factor as interpolated from electroweak table for s. Also for given FLAV and NO, may be called from user main program

Definition at line 467 of file EWtables.cxx.

References QCDFACT().

◆ set_alphasModif()

void set_alphasModif ( void(*)(double, int, int)  function)

Set vbfdistrModif function.

Set alphasModif function. Function arguments as of alphas()

Definition at line 33 of file vbfdistr.cxx.

References alphasModif, and set_alphasModif().

◆ set_nonSM_born()

int set_nonSM_born ( double(*)(int, double, double, int, int, int)  fun)

Set nonSM function

Set function for user-defined born, including new physics This function must be of format:

double fun(int ID, double S, double cost, int H1, int H2, int key)

Where: ID – 1 for down-type qqbar, 2 for up-type qqbar S – cm qqbar energy^2 cost – cosTheta (scattering angle of tau- with respect to quark) H1,H2 – spin state of first, second tau key – 1 when new effect is added, 0 Standard Model

If set to NULL, default function will be used.

Definition at line 107 of file nonSM.cxx.

References default_nonSM_bornZ().

◆ set_nonSM_bornH()

int set_nonSM_bornH ( double(*)(int, double, double, int, int, int)  fun)

Set nonSMH function

Set function for user-defined born, including new physics This function must be of format:

double fun(int ID, double S, double cost, int H1, int H2, int key)

Where: ID – 0 for glu-glu, 1 for down-type qqbar, 2 for up-type qqbar (may be dummy) S – cm qqbar energy^2 cost – cosTheta (scattering angle of tau- with respect to gluon/quark) H1,H2 – spin state of first, second tau key – 1 when new effect is added, 0 Standard Model

If set to NULL, default function will be used.

Definition at line 116 of file nonSM.cxx.

References default_nonSM_bornH().

◆ set_vbfdistrModif()

void set_vbfdistrModif ( double(*)(int, int, int, int, int, int, double[6][4], int, double)  function)

Set vbfdistrModif function.

Set vbfdistrModif function. Function arguments as of vbfdistr(), last one would be its result

Definition at line 46 of file vbfdistr.cxx.

References set_vbfdistrModif(), and vbfdistrModif.

◆ setFrameType()

void setFrameType ( int  _FrameType)

Set flag for type of effective Born kinematic approximation 1: Mustraal frame (NLO like) 0: old default, similar to Collins-Soper.

Definition at line 471 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References setFrameType().

◆ setHiggsParameters()

void setHiggsParameters ( int  jak,
double  mass,
double  width,
double  normalization 

set flag for simple formula (just Breit Wigner) of Higgs cross section, set its parameters: Higgs mass, width and normalization for Higgs born (BW) function

Definition at line 491 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References setHiggsParameters().

◆ setHiggsParametersTR()

void setHiggsParametersTR ( double  Rxx,
double  Ryy,
double  Rxy,
double  Ryx 

set transverse components for Higgs spin density matrix

Definition at line 502 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References setHiggsParametersTR().

◆ setNonSMkey()

void setNonSMkey ( int  key)

Turn non Standard Model calculation on/off

Definition at line 584 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References setNonSMkey().

◆ setPDFOpt()

void setPDFOpt ( int  QCDdefault,
int  QCDvariant 

set option for QCD initialization

Definition at line 51 of file vbfdistr.cxx.

References setPDFOpt().

◆ setRelWTnonSM()

void setRelWTnonSM ( int  _relWTnonSM)

Set flag for calculating relative (NONSM/SM) or absolute that is matrix element^2 (spin averaged), weight for X-section calculated as by product in longitudinal polarization method.

Definition at line 482 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References setRelWTnonSM().

◆ setSpinOfSample()

void setSpinOfSample ( bool  _Ipol)

Set flag defining what type of spin treatment was used in analyzed sample

◆ setZgamMultipliersTR()

void setZgamMultipliersTR ( double  Rxx,
double  Ryy,
double  Rxy,
double  Ryx 

set multipliers for transverse components for Drell-Yan spin density matrix

Definition at line 526 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References setZgamMultipliersTR().

◆ sigbornswdelt()

double sigbornswdelt ( int  mode,
int  ID,
double  SS,
double  costhe,
double  SWeff,
double  DeltSQ,
double  DeltV,
double  Gmu,
double  alfinv,
double  AMZ0,
double  GAM0,
int  keyGSW 

Calculates Born cross-section summed over final taus spins. Input parameters: incoming flavour ID
invariant mass^2 SS
scattering angle costhe effective weingber SWeff anomalous contributions DeltSQ, DeltV Fermi coupling Gmu alphaqed^-1 alfinv elecroweak init. switch non standard keyGSW may be called from user main program

Definition at line 760 of file EWtables.cxx.

References Amz(), ExtraEWparamsSet(), Gamz(), initEWff(), sigbornswdelt(), and sin2W().

◆ sin2W()

double sin2W ( int  FLAV)

returns sin^2theta_W^eff as stored in header of electroweak table for FLAV may be called from user main program

Definition at line 453 of file EWtables.cxx.

References sin2W().

◆ vbf_reinit_()

void vbf_reinit_ ( int *  key)

vbf amplitudes re-initialization (after chanche of alpha_s

◆ vbfdistr() [1/2]

double TauSpinner::vbfdistr ( int  I1,
int  I2,
int  I3,
int  I4,
int  H1,
int  H2,
double  P[6][4],
int  KEY 

Wrapper to VBDISTR and place for interface to user provided modification

Definition at line 87 of file vbfdistr.cxx.

References vbfdistr(), vbfdistr_(), and vbfdistrModif.

◆ vbfdistr() [2/2]

double vbfdistr ( int  I1,
int  I2,
int  I3,
int  I4,
int  H1,
int  H2,
SimpleParticle p1,
SimpleParticle p2,
SimpleParticle tau1,
SimpleParticle tau2,
int  KEY 

Wrapper to VBDISTR and entry point for vbfdistrModif

◆ vbfdistr_()

double vbfdistr_ ( int *  I1,
int *  I2,
int *  I3,
int *  I4,
int *  H1,
int *  H2,
double  P[6][4],
int *  KEY 

Definition of REAL*8 FUNCTION VBDISTR(I1,I2,I3,I4,H1,H2,P,KEY) from VBF_UD.f

◆ vbfdistrWRAP()

double TauSpinner::vbfdistrWRAP ( int  I1,
int  I2,
int  I3,
int  I4,
int  H1,
int  H2,
double  P[6][4],
int  KEY 

Wrapper to VBDISTR

Definition at line 31 of file vbftests.cxx.

References vbfdistr_(), and vbfdistrWRAP().

◆ vbfinit_()

void vbfinit_ ( int *  ref,
int *  variant 

Choses variant for vbf amplitudes initializations reference and modified

◆ vector_sum()

Particle * vector_sum ( vector< Particle > &  x)

Sums all 4-vectors of the particles on the list

Definition at line 2480 of file tau_reweight_lib.cxx.

References vector_sum().

Variable Documentation

◆ alphasModif

void(* alphasModif) (double, int, int) ( double  ,
int  ,
) = NULL

Pointer to a function that modify rezult of alpha_ calc. in vbfdist.

By default this function is not used (pointer is NULL). It can be changed by the user through TauSpinner::set_vbfdistrModif

Definition at line 30 of file vbfdistr.cxx.

◆ vbfdistrModif

double(* vbfdistrModif) (int, int, int, int, int, int, double[6][4], int, double) ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
double  [6][4],
int  ,
) = NULL

Pointer to a function that modify rezult of Matrix Element calc. in vbfdist.

By default this function is not used (pointer is NULL). It can be changed by the user through TauSpinner::set_vbfdistrModif

Definition at line 43 of file vbfdistr.cxx.